I've worked with Emmy, Grammy & Tony winners, multi-platinum artists, legislators and all kinds of creative badasses.
A Mission-Driven business prioritizes purpose over profit, and I believe that building & growing a mission-driven business is a fine art.
The challenge with mission-driven business is finding the balance between profit and mission; it's an ever moving target. Both profit and mission need optimized, systemized, automated, marketed, etc- and this requires an exceptionally wide set of skills!
If you're struggling to balance your impact with your profit and want to dramatically grow both- I can help.
Let's talk about my own mission-driven business.
I make a living with coaching services and AI software products, but my mission is to "Stop the stigma of surviving of child sex abuse" by changing out-of-date state laws.

In my free time, you'll find me at the Ohio Statehouse coaching activists and state legislators. Recently I help author and pass bi-partisan legislation for Boy Scout survivors of childhood sexual abuse in Ohio, Alabama, and Indiana. That legislation paved the way to finally make all rape illegal in Ohio.
This work is funded by my coaching clients and the subscription revenue generated by my AI products.
Revenue from both services and products- finding that delicate balance of business-models that can change everything. More importantly- I believe that mastering that perfect mix of products and services creates the most opportunity for personal growth.
Providing services can generate a lot of revenue fast- but that revenue can be fickle because it demands your time in exchange for money. Products, especially subscription products, can create steady cashflow in the background, but they're usually a slow build. With these two revenue steams combined- you can create the perfect business-model to support your mission.
I've worked with all kinds of business owners- but my wheelhouse is working with creatives, especially the music and recording industry.
While my own mission-driven businesses have helped me make a real impact- I'm convinced that I can make the most overall impact by teaching others business owners how to become the most badass versions of themselves by crafting a one-of-a-kind mission-driven business-model.
If you're looking to maximize and balance your impact and profit, you're in the right place.
My most successful clients are those who went therapy and did the work. They're invested in their own continued growth by exploring how their past traumas shapes their present. These beautiful souls are actively navigating the intersection of creativity and mental health by with mindfulness practices like neurofeedback, yoga nidra and meditation.
If you're interested in one-on-one coaching, text me a short pitch: +1-614-943-9214. Keep in mind, one-one-one coaching is expensive! For a more affordable option, check out my small group coaching: The Healthier Home Studio Mastermind.
I'd love to hear about the impact you want to make, how you make a living, and why you think we'd have fun working together.
-Chris Graham

When it comes to business stuff, Chris is the most ninja mother-&#$%@* I've ever met.
Lij Shaw
Grammy Winner,
Music Producer, Podcaster.

Chris may be the biggest influence on my business decisions.
Brandon Rike
Creative Director & Designer for Grammy Winning Artists & Bands.

Working with Chris was incredible. His wit, candor and all around personality were charming and comfortable to work with. He is also a fountain of enthusiasm and wonderful ideas.